On behalf of Ever-Green Turf and Landscape it’s my pleasure to introduce and welcome you to another growing season…another season of regular updates and information from our Ever-Green website.
We’re particularly proud of this site because it capitalizes on an opportunity to establish a better and more informative relationship with every one of our residential and commercial accounts going forward into the new year…with brief articles, photos, and information on how we can serve your needs, and serve them better.

Joe Duncan – Owner, Ever-Green Turf and Landscape
If you’ll notice here on the home page, we offer you the convenience of actually “subscribing” to the Ever-Green site, with two advantages. 1) It’s absolutely free, and it’s hard to quarrel with “free”. And 2), it affords our Ever-Green customers the opportunity of automatically receiving “updates” to the website. Every time we post a new feature, blog, tip, or project progress, you’ll see it in a timely manner. The information may identify issues with your own lawn and landscaping, with the information for what to do…and how to do it. It’s all about better communication with our customers, and that’s our goal with this online effort.
In addition, it allows you more convenient access for contacting us for any kind of information relative to your property…for questions on “when”, “what” and “how” to do something, or even questions about an invoice or money-saving options.
It’s how companies and clients do things together, and do them better, with the advantage of electronic media. Your correspondence with us is always private and secure, and our response can now be even more timely because there’s always someone on the other end to receive your email.
As always, we thank you for your business past, now since 1976 in our 39th year of service. Our goal through additions like this website is to do business even better as we go forward. And happily, the beneficiary of “better”…is you.
Sincerely yours,
Joe Duncan, President
Ever-Green Turf and Landscape