Here’s why you don’t want to put it off – seeding a new lawn or a renovated section of your existing lawn. Here’s why it’s better to spend the time now, in the fall, to get to work instead of taking a chance on next spring.

Ever-green hydro-seeding gives a new lawn planting every advantage for a fast and healthy start.
For one, you have approximately six weeks still of moderate weather to get grass seed germinated – up, and growing. And with good fall nutrition that grass is going to be there over the winter and ready to emerge come April as lush, healthy growth.
And of course, if you wait until April you never know what the growing conditions ‘might’ be. This past spring was a terrible time to plant, as consistent rains and cold weather made it impossible, and once it stopped raining it got hot and dry…which made it doubly hard.
Second, because of moderate temps in the fall you get a more ‘consistent’ germination (sprouting) of your seed. Believe it or not, most grass seeds thrive in cooler (not cold) temperatures, and that’s perfect for uniform growth and coverage.
Last, you really don’t want to have a muddy mess in your lawn all fall. Better to get that seeded now, knowing that most of that seed is going to appear within ten to twenty days. And seed that gets covered a bit deeper by topsoil will eventually emerge later next spring, giving you an even fuller look. In addition, winter snow provides a nice insulator from harsh temperatures, and once that snow melts and soaks in it becomes ground water for spring growth, eliminating the need for irrigation. Plus, natural moisture always comes with air-borne nitrogen, which is a better growth stimulant than commercial fertilizer.
These are the advantages of fall seeding, so don’t wait. The last thing you want is to look now next spring and say, “I wish I had done this in October, when I had the chance.”