mower shown mowing grass

Does It Hurt To Mow Grass With Frost On It…?

Recently, someone called to ask us if it’s OK to mow grass after a frost?  Is there a waiting period?  And can you actually damage the plants?

Well the simple answer is common sense.  In the spring, particularly early springs where temperatures fluctuate up and down a lot, it’s common for grass to be stunted by such a sudden freeze.

It’s probably not a good idea to mow while there’s actually ice crystals on it – early in the morning.  And if you do it you’ll notice some dark tire and footprint marks once the temperatures rise…like a bruise to your skin.

But in terms of real damage?  No, there is none.

The common sense part is simply this.  Wait until the air temperature rises above 40 degrees if you want to mow.  Do it then and there will be no dark marks.  And, there’ll be no damage to the grass, just like mowing after a frost in the fall of the year.

Grass in the spring recovers very quickly from overnight freezes because the ground temperatures are constantly rising with the longer days and more sunlight.  Another frequent question is whether frost and freeze adversely affects new plantings (seeding) of grass.

The answer:  Only temporarily, as long as it’s not a long-term cold snap that gets near 15 degrees and stays there for a week.  Even then grass seedlings are likely to bounce back once the air temperatures rise…and if there’s no frost line in the ground, itself.

They’re good questions, and we thought you might like to know what others have already asked.

And after all, who wants to mow the grass with mittens, gloves, and a scarf?


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