Is Fall A Good Time To Plant Trees….?

Generally, we write a lot about fall lawn maintenance – aeration and fertilization.

But it’s also noteworthy that fall is an excellent time to plant trees, as well.  So if you’re pondering actual landscaping decisions, ponder no more.  Just do it.

Most people tend to think of spring as a good time to plant shrubs and trees.  But October and November are just as good because the temperature is down, the average rainfall and groundwater level is up, and that’s a perfect combination for getting a new tree planting off to a fast start.

But just as important, you can never predict the weather in the spring – wet weather.  And no one wants to dig a hole to plant a tree in the mud.  So plant now, while conditions are predictable.

The idea with any new fall planting is giving it adequate time for roots to become settled and established before the ground freezes.  Typically, we’re talking about a month.  And just as typically, the ground in Miami County rarely freezes up before January.

So, if you get a tree properly planted, at least two feet below ground surface, watered in and proper nutrition applied, you should be have a great looking emergence in the spring.

But remember, it’s important that you get a maple, oak, or any significant planting – even fruit trees – at least two feet deep in order to minimize temperature stress on the roots – below the frost line (frozen ground) that’s going to come in winter.  That’s the reason for the old saying – dig a $100 hole for a $50 tree.  And yes, there are no $50 trees anymore.  We know that, so all the more important to get it done right.

If you have other questions about fall planting be sure and contact us at Ever-Green.  We have a full professional staff for tree care, and they’ll answer your questions, free of charge.

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