lawn striping

The Signs Of A Healthy Lawn…..

If you’re lawn is looking brown and a little worn in this early summer heat…there’s probably a reason for it.

Because if you look around your neighborhood and see green, healthy lawns, there’s a reason for that, too.

Every year people call to question why their lawn is suffering so early, with just a few days of heat and hot weather like we’ve had in June.  “My neighbor’s grass is still green, and he has the same dirt as I do,”  some say.

But it’s what you do with that same dirt that makes a difference – something that we advocate yearly, come November, that goes a long way towards keeping you neighbor’s grass green.

Typically, grass suffers not just from the heat, but from an unhealthy root system.  We’re not talking disease, of course, just the fact that a better, deeper root system goes a long way toward a healthy lawn.

image of grass after lawn careAnd the way to ensure that healthy root system in summer stems from two things you can do this fall.

One, a vigorous aeration – plugging your lawn – allows for oxygen and nutrients to get to the roots and boost them over winter for a deeper expansive growth come spring.  Those holes that come as a result of the plugs allow for the roots to breathe and expand with the displacement.

Two, prior to winter make sure that you feed your lawn, the the Scott’s commercial says.  A healthy fertilization with nitrogen in the fall gets in those holes, turns to sugar, and feeds that new root development.  So when spring rolls around those added roots grow deeper, healthier, and provide better support for early hot, dry weather.

It’s as simple as that.  This year call us for an estimate on having your lawn ‘aerated’, the term for creating more root space, and less compaction of the soil.  It’s going to make a difference.

And then do as the Scotsman says.  “Feed your lawn” generously in November to better sustain the grass during the dormant months

Do both of these and see the difference next summer.  In fact, take pictures with your phone, now and then, and compare the difference.

The signs of a healthy lawn.

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