It’s become a cultural standard for more attractive, and more efficient, landscaping design. Nearly everyone uses hardwood mulch now for decoration and contrast in their yard and perennial beds. But for the sake of efficiency alone, you can save yourself a lot of work during the growing season, decorative advantages notwithstanding, by applying a little
Obviously, great lawns come in many different dimensions. And if you want to feel better, or at least fraternal, about the care of your own, consider how the other half lives and maintains some of the country’s great turf resources. You don’t think about it much, but some of the best are the country’s national
The above photo posted with this blog is one we use a lot. It’s a shot we made two years ago in mid-July…of the varsity football field at Arcanum High School, in Darke County. Theirs is one of Ever-Green’s most poignant success stories, because it represents the typical scenario of frustration when grass doesn’t grow