There is an age-old axiom that proclaims that to whom much is given much is also expected. And in that spirit Ever-Green Turf and Landscape is involved with a different type of growth through a decades-long relationship with one of the true gems of our county community….that being the Miami County Foundation, directed by Cheryl
One of the true opportunities that come with January freeze is the opportunity to actually walk you lawn and take inventory. That’s right, inventory…the kind you do with other interests home and office, but in this case things you definitely won’t want to keep for the new year once you know you have them. We’re
If you haven’t raked those late leaves to come down yet, we’ll share an option that many are doing successfully and reaping cultural benefits from, as well. Rather than raking, bagging, or hauling them to the curb for the city crews to vacuum up and haul away, a lot of people with zero-turn mowers of
Before you pass over or dismiss this blog…consider the fact of any spring seeding you might be planning for your lawn. Then, read on. The fact is a lot of people read last week’s post about preventative measures for crabgrass…the fact of putting down a good pre-emergent week killer now, prior to crab germinating and
The last two years have been particularly bad for crabgrass in yards, which always leads to the inevitable question about how to prevent it in the first place. Well, the answer to that is to put down a pre-emergent herbicide with your first application of fertilizer in the spring…right about now, in mid to late
While it’s true about the old saying that the “early bird gets the worm“, in landscaping terms it could also means “it gets the weeds”, too. Of course what we’re talking about is spring mulching of landscaped beds, trees, ornamentals, et. al., anything bare ground that can be accentuated color-wise, and protected from summer weeds,
On behalf of Ever-Green Turf and Landscape it’s my pleasure to introduce and welcome you to another growing season…another season of regular updates and information from our Ever-Green website. We’re particularly proud of this site because it capitalizes on an opportunity to establish a better and more informative relationship with every one of our residential
Like many others, if you haven’t been bombarded by mailers and social media ads about spring and summer lawn and landscape management, you soon will be. Some, will even go door to door. Never in the history of the industry have there been so many “independents” working the market, with little more than a pickup